About this site

Welcome to my Logfile, where I share my experiences as an Experience Designer and XR developer. Get insights into digital content creation, design, and technology. In this post, I'll be discussing the concept of my site, how it works, and the framework I use to create engaging content.

About this site
Photo by Lorenzo Herrera / Unsplash

Welcome to my logfile. This is the first entry. In terms of content, this post is about describing the concept of the site. In the following, you will find all the information about how it works, the framework, the text contents, and the visual contents.

CV and history of the website

A log or logbook? Yes, because that's what it was initially. A WordPress installation as a log that shows what content I am dealing with. In fact, the WordPress installation originally only served as a storage place for my RnD work in my position as CTO & CDO. However, I lacked the sense and purpose of having my own website, or perhaps the confidence to publish. After all, there is a company website and an online presence in that context. At a certain point, however, the use became more essential for the purpose of information transfer and mapping of links and current hardware and software developments.

Please note that I am the editor myself, which means that the contents are only as good and complete as my time and my perfectionism allow. There is no claim to completeness, nor to scientific and technical correctness. A large part of the pages will probably remain on the "Draft" status until I find the time to work on them. However, I am happy to advise in personal contact and my team is available for collaboration.

How it work's??

It just works! As an Experience Designer, it is still my concern to briefly communicate the operating concept of this site for people.

  • Categories & Taggs ✨
    • Can be clicked on under the posts and form the simplest way to divide contents thematically.
    • A feed with the corresponding marked contents is shown as with the search
  • Search 🔎
    • Goes a little deeper than the categories / taggs, but is not marketing driven, will therefore not be tracked and there are no personal search profiles
    • depending on the term, a feed with the hits is shown, the input can be adjusted by means of the searched term
  • Blog and Pages 📑
  • About ℹ️
    • Is clickable via header / footer
    • In terms of content, this page is intended for background check / CV

Stack and Background

The Ghost CMS, is a conscious decision that I have made because since the beginning of my career, websites have served as a meaningful and efficient interface for online communication. The details and my personal experiences are discussed in the following section.

Fail fast - but progress

Since I started working professionally and decided to focus on XR, and especially VR, this motto has been my mantra, and it has cost me a lot of energy. The best way to deal with it is to reflect and be self-critical, otherwise, it will become "burnout fast - but no fire." Through the mistakes and problems, such as the complete hacking of the website of my startup, I am able to view and evaluate the frontend and backend structure from different perspectives. A crucial learning: Never use WordPress without certain security measures. A server backup of data and database can be lifesaving, but both must happen.

Ghost has developed into an excellent tool for online communication thanks to its open-source origins!


This is the part that becomes increasingly important to me.

What we can talk about is design, 3D, UX, UI, game engines, XR development, WebXR, open source, AI, blockchain, and Web3. Okay, fine, even project management and product ownership.

Show what you want to do, not everything you've done. Present yourself as you are, professionally, with that extra something.

This is a super meaningful mantra for individual, business, and agency/studio websites. However, with the penetration of the internet by AI-generated content, the significance of each experience horizon also increases. It is important to contextualize your own work, make a current check, and process feedback. My background can be found on the About page. I am fascinated by the connection between digital and real content, and I am passionate about it.

Visuals and digital content

Visual content created by me, such as featured images, can be used under the CC by 4.0 license upon request and answer.

Thanks to AI development and my design background, it is possible to create visuals within a few minutes without a huge drop in quality. The tools and insights for this are listed in the post "Add creative value to use AI effectively – Logfile."

Last but not least

This page communicates the context and the use, but also the "why," in the following posts it's about the "how" and "what." The structure of the communication thus follows the Why, How What principle, which Simon Sinek very understandably captures and processes in his book "Start with why."

To support the exponential technological progress captured by Moore's Law, it is important that the conditions are right. Therefore, I am convinced that it is important to communicate and draw attention to the new opportunities. Thank you for your time.